A 14-16 million year old whale skull was discovered in a backyard in Palos Verdes, California. No word yet if any precious ambergris has been recovered.
Dolphins Will Attack You and Eat Your Kidneys

Attacks by killer dolphins are on the rise in Ireland. It is currently unknown if they are in league with the giant flying squid. If they are, then may God help us all.
Flying Squid Will Kill Us All
The Neon Flying Squid can fly through the air at over 11 meters per second (that’s almost 172 feeters per attwater). It’s coming for you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Whale Attacks Australian Dinghy. HMS Sharktypus Could Be Next
A humpback whale has hit a dinghy with its tail off Australia’s coast, knocking a 13-year-old boy unconscious and breaking his collarbone. In response, the Bacliff Expeditionary Fleet has been put on crimson alert.
Sunspots May Disappear: Does This Mean the End of Ham Radio As We Know It?
According to a recent report, the sun is heading into an unusual and extended hibernation. Around 2020, sunspots may disappear for years, maybe decades. This could mean the end of Ham radio as we know it. Top Ham radio scientists are working furiously in their basements as we speak to devise a solution to this grave threat.
Giant Squid Can Fly: Destruction of Mankind Soon to Follow

New evidence suggests that mankind’s most diabolical foe — the squid — has the ability to fly. The Bacliff Exploration Society will keep you updated on these disturbing new cephalopod developments.