Painting continues on the HMS Sharktypus. It is now a terrifying specter with a gaping maw and unholy tentacles. Soon it will be the undisputed master of the sea. DO DOODLY DO!
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On Land, At Sea, In The Air, In Space
Painting continues on the HMS Sharktypus. It is now a terrifying specter with a gaping maw and unholy tentacles. Soon it will be the undisputed master of the sea. DO DOODLY DO!
See the latest photos.
The HMS Sharktypus, principal research dingy of the Bacliff Exploration Society, is primed and ready to receive its Sharktypus paint job. The finest European paints and honey badger hair paint brushes will be used for this project. It is hoped that the paint will significantly improve the vessel’s structural integrity.
Everyone knows that animated GIFs are making a comeback. Therefore, in appreciation of this heretofore under-appreciated art form, the Bacliff Exploration Society presents the Animated GIF Safety Man. You’re welcome.
See also: Far Better Than 3-D: Animated GIFs That Savor A Passing Moment