Potter's equation

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Potter's equation is a mathematical formula which computes the number of face cubes in a Rubik's cube of any size.


For an NxNxN Rubik's cube, the number of face cubes (R) is equal to:

  • R(N) = 6*N*(N-2) + 8


  • Potter’s Equation applies in all cases where N > 1. Obviously, the N = 1 case is trivial, as is the N = 0 case, though actually solving a 0*0*0 Rubik’s Cube presents a number of practical challenges, even for advanced Cubists. Attempting to solve a Rubik’s Cube where N < 0 is extremely dangerous, you could conceivably be thrown into a strange and highly disconcerting hyper-universe with no obvious way to return. WARNING! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOLVE A NEGATIVE-N RUBIK’S CUBE WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL TRAINING!