Ham Radio Email Codes

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The Ham Radio Email Codes are used by ships at sea to communicate via ham radio email. Typically, the number codes are questions from shore, and the letter codes are responses.

Letter codes

Letter Meaning
A All is well
B Send beer
C Sea a bit choppy
D Just saw a dolphin
E Just saw a mullet
F No wind
G Going to the Bahamas
H Hurricane
I I got better
J Collision course
K Kraken
L Just snagged a shrimp net
M Hallucinating due to sea sickness patch
N Need more sleep
O Oh no! Sharktypus attack!
P Pirates have boarded
Q I am the Kwisatz Haderach!
R Resorting to cannibalism
S Save me!
T Morpheus test canceled. Turning back.
U Sinking
V Lovely day
W Out of water
X Mutiny
Y I have scurvy
Z Abandoning ship
AA Send more plywood dinghies

Number/Symbol codes

Number Meaning
1 How are you?
2 How's the scurvy?
3 Hello? Are you still alive?
4 Don Picos?
5 Stand by for 5 MB cat pictures
6 Where is your weekly?
7 Timecard night
8 Farm fresh Thursday
9 Sorry to hear that
# You won't be forgotten

Backup Codes

The backup codes are used in the event that the primary codes fail.

Hex Meaning
0 Can you do that with a boat?
a What's your boondoggles mug name?
b Just use the little comb
c How many tire spares in your car?
d Your house is drying out now
e Morpheus test sooner... paddle hard
f Going to the Northwest Passage

Battle Codes

In case of sea battles.

Symbol Meaning
% Engage the French fleet
^ Hoist the mizzen
& Stow the gunwales
* England expects that every man will do his duty
( Ramming speed
) Retreat

Other code words and phrases

  • Pump-U-Suck - a hastily-constructed device that allows a severely damaged sailboat drive system to work well enough for a voyage from Florida to Texas.
  • 73's - A euphemism for vomiting uncontrollably.

See also

External links