
From Bacliff Exploration Society
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Is a possible location of the Bacliff Exploration Society world headquarters. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the 30's for the Kaufman family's hideaway for the inevitable Nazi invasion. The cabin is located in the middle of Nowhere Pennsylvania is ideally situated in a defensive position hovering above a rushing waterfall.

Possible Bacliff Exploration Society Use

In November of 2011 a member was sent to scout the location for the possibility to use it as headquarters. While the remote location is ideal, further studies are needed to determine if the cabin is a suitable for the society's needs. The most critical study needed would determine how usability of Ham radio at the location. This is the chief concern of the Sea Laird and his HAM radio rangers. A huge minus of Fallingwater is the lack of garage. This might be enough to eliminate it as a potential headquarters