Giant Space Squid
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A rare portrayal of the Giant Space Squid in the water. Seen here battling with the whale and the HMS Solitaire.

NASA photograph of a solar transit by a Giant Space Squid and the Space Shuttle Atlantis (May 12, 2009).
The Giant Space Squid is the nemesis of the Bacliff Exploration Society. Often portrayed in popular artwork in an eternal struggle with a spacefaring whale and mobile-ground-station Tom. Not to be confused with Drunk Bunny or Leonidas.
Other characteristics
The giant space squid is approximately 10,000 miles (247,576 feeters) long, and is usually yellow (although sometimes purple). Occasionally, he can be seen transiting the Sun. It is not known how many giant space squid exist in this universe.
- The Giant Space Squid can be seen in the windows of the sailboat on the Bacliff Exploration Society coat of arms.