JSC Amateur Radio Club

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Inside the JSC ARC Fortress of Solitude.

The JSC Amateur Radio Club is a shadowy organization of ham radio rangers, based at the NASA Johnson Space Center. They are believed to follow an ancient belief that someday, they will be called upon to render assistance "when all else fails". Also, sometimes they talk to astronauts on the ISS.


Using their advanced ham radio technology, the JSC ARC is in charge of tracking stray prairie chickens at JSC. This is only possible due to ham radio pioneer Lord CQ Hammington who discovered that, when bombarded with ham radio waves, the Attwater stored in a prairie chicken's neck sacs resonates at the precise frequency of 3.14159 feeters/fuckton (note: the similarly of this value to pi is one of the many amazing coincidences related to ham radio that eventually drove Lord Hammington insane).


See also