Strudel Scouts

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The Strudel Scouts is a nefarious organization started in 1947 by Ernst von Piedon. It's maniacal goal is to replace all types of pastries throughout the world with strudel.


While a member of the Space Scouts, a young Ernst von Piedon became obsessed with perfecting baked goods associated with breakfast while trying to achieve his 'Space Sustenance' merit badge. He soon decided that the strudel as the supreme achievement of pastry baking. His desire for perfect strudel became so great that he became a virtual recluse surrounded only by baking supplies and strudels. Because he enjoyed the discipline and organization he had found in the Space Scouts, von Piedon was inspired to found the Strudel Scouts to spread the superiority of strudel and wipe knowledge of all other pastries from the face of the Earth.

The Strudel Scouts is a despotic authoritarian organization with von Piedon as 'Strudel Sovereign'. It spreads by using deliciousness and advanced brainwashing techniques.