
Walkers are a herd of office workers who are native to the Building 2 upper corridor that the Bacliff Exploration Society has come across in their travels. They appear bi-daily at approximately 9:30am and 2:30pm. Their tendency is to walk in pairs numbering up to 4 counterclockwise. They are known for their strong perfume and it has been told that standing in the hallway as they are barreling down on you is as terrifying as having a wild herd wildebeest stampede on the Serengeti.
The First Walker
It is unknown when the first walker dragged herself upward out of her cubicle and took her first steps. What follows is the legend of the first walker. Long before the Bacliff Exploration Society arrived in Building Two, in the glory days of the space program, a race of sedentary office workers inhabited the cubicles. These workers known as sitters were enslaved by an early predecessor of Robonaut, and could not move away from their desk. They were fed via soup from a hamster water bottle like apparatus. These people like creatures where slowly becoming amorphous blobs barely recognizable as human. One day a terrible tragedy occurred knocking out power to the soup delivery system. Unable to eat a hungry sitter rolled out of her cubicle and took her first triumphant steps. Today these first steps are celebrated by walking around twice a day.
Discovery by the Bacliff Exploration Society
In spring of 2011 the Society was moved into Building 2. Soon after the move the walkers were discovered when a Ham Radio Ranger was trampled to death. The death of the poor ranger shook the society to their core and the society tries to avoid contact with the walkers. They generally observe the walking behavior during the consumption of Afternoon Fruit from a safe enclosure.
The Male Walker
The rarest of the walker race is the elusive male walker. Much like the yeti, the male walker has only been seen twice in the wild and no zoo has one in captivity. The male walker is unique in that he does no walk in a pair but rather walks solo behind the more populous females.
External links
- Rare footage of the Male Walker (YouTube)